Thursday 26 June 2014

St. Louis County Moving in Right Direction with Dooley!




Paid for by: Dooley for St. Louis County, John J. Temporiti, Treasurer


Dooley for St. Louis County
PO Box 16648
Saint Louis MO 63105 United States

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Five St. Louis Mayors Endorse Charlie Dooley for County Executive!


St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay, along with former Mayors James Conway, Vince Schoemehl, Freeman Bosley, Jr., and Clarence Harmon, expressed their support for Charlie Dooley’s re-election Monday evening at a reception they hosted in his honor.

In a joint statement the mayors said, “For ten years, Charlie Dooley has been providing the leadership St. Louis County needs. He has been making the difficult decisions during tough economic times to keep the St. Louis region on track to attract jobs and provide community service and leadership to assure the economic growth needed to create a better future for the citizens of St. Louis County and the entire region.”

The endorsement from the five St. Louis mayors is the latest in a list that includes Congressman Lacy Clay, former Congressman Bill Clay, Sr., United Auto Workers, Coalition of Black Trade Unions, United Food & Commercial Workers Local 655, International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers Union, Service Employees International Union, and the Democratic Township Committees of Florissant, Normandy, Airport, and Creve Coeur. 


Charlie has spent his lifetime in service to his county, community, and country.


Let’s keep the County moving forward with

Charlie Dooley!


Vote Tuesday, August 5, 2014


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Paid for by: Dooley for St. Louis County, John J. Temporiti, Treasurer


Dooley for St. Louis County
PO Box 16648
Saint Louis MO 63105 United States

Thursday 19 June 2014

Charlie Dooley Campaign Ads Hit the Airways!


The Democratic primary is less than 7 weeks away, and we need your support to see us through to the finish line! We have just rolled out our first campaign ads, and we want you, our loyal supporters, to be among the first to see them!

Listen to Stephanie Dooley as she describes some of her father’s achievements including expanded access to healthcare, the #1 job growth in the state, and the lowest crime in 43 years.

Steve Stenger has released just 6 partial tax returns to Dooley’s 18 full returns, and Stenger still will not explain why he refuses to release the more informative state taxes or supporting schedules. Stenger, an accountant, who likely practiced law in both the City and the County, also failed to release any city tax returns.


What is Steve Stenger hiding? 

Charlie has spent his lifetime in service to his county, community, and country.


Let’s keep the County moving forward with

Charlie Dooley!


Vote Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Follow us on Twitter @TeamDooley2014!


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Follow Team Dooley on Facebook!


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Paid for by: Dooley for St. Louis County, John J. Temporiti, Treasurer


Dooley for St. Louis County
PO Box 16648
Saint Louis MO 63105 United States

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Join us for a free BBQ with Charlie this Saturday!

Paid for by: Dooley for St. Louis County, John J. Temporiti, Treasurer

Dooley for St. Louis County
PO Box 16648
Saint Louis MO 63105 United States