Thursday 31 July 2014

Let's Get Out the Vote!

Paid for by: Dooley for St. Louis County, John J. Temporiti, Treasurer

Dooley for St. Louis County
PO Box 16648
Saint Louis MO 63105 United States

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Join Charlie on Election Night!

Paid for by: Dooley for St. Louis County, John J. Temporiti, Treasurer

Dooley for St. Louis County
PO Box 16648
Saint Louis MO 63105 United States

Tuesday 29 July 2014

7 Days to Go!




In exactly one week, the voters of St. Louis County will be heading to the polls to elect our next County Executive in the Democratic Primary on August 5th, 2014. Charlie Dooley has been a proven and effective leader for not only St. Louis County but for the entire region, spearheading economic development efforts with Mayor Slay. Charlie is committed to making St. Louis brighter, better and more competitive on a national level. 


Charlie Dooley needs your vote.  But to do so, he also needs your financial support. Our opponent has an equally well-funded operation, partially due to his self-serving self-financing. We need to get our message out this week and we need to get Charlie Dooley re-elected. 


Please donate today. Whatever you can give is crucial. Donate $25, $50, $100 or $250 at


If you'd like to volunteer, need a yard sign, or want to get involved in our field program, please call our campaign headquarters at 314-755-1465.


Let's move St. Louis County Forward. Together.


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Paid for by: Dooley for St. Louis County, John J. Temporiti, Treasurer


Dooley for St. Louis County
PO Box 16648
Saint Louis MO 63105 United States

Monday 28 July 2014

Dooley the Best Choice for the St. Louis Region




A Message from  St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay












Dear Friends,



It is my great pleasure to write to you today to express my support for Charlie Dooley and my endorsement for his reelection as St. Louis County Executive.  


Charlie Dooley is a genuine, strong, and passionate leader who is committed to positioning the St. Louis area to compete on a global scale.  He is a champion of collaboration.  Last year Charlie and I brought the City and County economic councils together to form the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership, a great first step towards growing our region that resulted in bringing more than 5,000 jobs to our region in 2013 alone.


Charlie Dooley sincerely cares about people and shares the values of the community.  He has expanded access to healthcare, reduced the county crime rate to a 42-year low, and is currently focused on combatting sex trafficking.  


Charlie Dooley has spent his lifetime in service to his county, community, and country.  In 1965, Charlie Dooley enlisted in the United States Army, was stationed in Vietnam in 1966, and received an honorable discharge in 1968 with a rank of Specialist 5th Class. After his military tour of duty, he returned to St. Louis and went to work at McDonnell-Douglas. He began serving as an elected official during his thirty-year career with McDonnell-Douglas and has served full-time as a public official since retiring.


Charlie is a friend.


Let’s keep the momentum going!   Vote for Charlie A. Dooley in the Democratic Primary election on August 5th.



Mayor Francis G. Slay


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Paid for by: Dooley for St. Louis County, John J. Temporiti, Treasurer


Dooley for St. Louis County
PO Box 16648
Saint Louis MO 63105 United States

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Stenger Vote Leaves Seniors out in the Cold


As St. Louis County Executive, Charlie Dooley has worked hard to improve the living conditions of seniors who have given so much to our communities. Under Charlie Dooley's leadership the county has been named an AARP Age Friendly Community, the only one in the state and one of only 30 in the nation.

But Steve Stenger, in yet another attempt to score political points and further his personal agenda, turned his back on our elderly neighbors. Stenger originally supported a much needed senior housing development in Oakville, but upon hearing the concerns of a few outspoken residents, he filed a resolution to revoke the development's zoning. As the Post-Dispatch put it, Stenger "was for it before he was against it." Once again, Steve Stenger would rather do what is politically expedient than what is right.

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The aging of St. Louis County's population is a trend that will impact all of us. By 2030, 20% of Americans will be over age 65, and our nation will face a severe shortage of appropriate housing and services to meet their needs if we do not act. In St. Louis County, the Baby Boomers combined with seniors over the age of 65 represent nearly half of our local population.

Charlie Dooley has shown a willingness to make the tough decisions to do what is right for our elderly neighbors and friends and make St. Louis County a community where seniors can age comfortably and with dignity. Steve Stenger has shown a willingness to do anything for his political and personal gain, even turning his back on seniors.

If this is how Stenger votes on the council, what will he eliminate as County Executive?

Charlie has spent his lifetime in service to his county, community, and country.


Let’s keep the County moving forward with

Charlie Dooley!


Vote Tuesday, August 5, 2014


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Paid for by: Dooley for St. Louis County, John J. Temporiti, Treasurer


Dooley for St. Louis County
PO Box 16648
Saint Louis MO 63105 United States

Wednesday 16 July 2014





That’s the only way to describe what Steve Stenger says about the victims of human sex-trafficking.  As an attorney, Stenger defended a notorious sex slave kingpin at the center of a nationwide sex trafficking ring.  Some of the girls forced into prostitution were as young as 13.  When describing the plight of the victims, Stenger said it was “a lifestyle they chose.”



Steve Stenger has shown that he will say or do anything to get elected, including running an irresponsible and reckless ad about a women’s shelter.  Now we learn that he’s painted victims of sex trafficking in the most deplorable way.  It’s clear that Steve Stenger had little regard for or understanding of their circumstances. It's one thing to say you were doing your job, but this goes too far.  How can we trust Steve Stenger now?


Human trafficking is not a lifestyle a woman chooses.  It’s a real and serious issue.  Charlie Dooley recognizes that and has been working to address it.   He’s committed to securing hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional funding in the upcoming budget to support expanded investigation and prosecution of sex traffickers.


For more facts about the Evans family sex-trafficking ring Stenger defended, visit

Charlie has spent his lifetime in service to his county, community, and country.


Let’s keep the County moving forward with

Charlie Dooley!


Vote Tuesday, August 5, 2014


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Paid for by: Dooley for St. Louis County, John J. Temporiti, Treasurer


Dooley for St. Louis County
PO Box 16648
Saint Louis MO 63105 United States

Thursday 10 July 2014

Stenger Misleads Voters Again


Steve Stenger continues his history of misleading voters and fabricating stories for his political gain.  You may have heard his claims about the cost of the County Courthouse.  If he had attended the Committee of the Whole meeting on May 8, 2012, with the rest of the County Council members, he would have understood that preliminary construction budgets indicated that more money was needed to build the courthouse.  Although he’s now critical of the increased construction budget, he didn’t speak up against the additional funds.  Which is it, Steve…are you for it or against it?  Once again, it’s hard to tell.

For more information, please visit

Committee of the Whole attendance. Where was Steve?

A clear discussion of the courthouse financing. Steve never said a word.

Charlie has spent his lifetime in service to his county, community, and country.


Let’s keep the County moving forward with

Charlie Dooley!


Vote Tuesday, August 5, 2014


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Paid for by: Dooley for St. Louis County, John J. Temporiti, Treasurer


Dooley for St. Louis County
PO Box 16648
Saint Louis MO 63105 United States

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Planned Parenthood endorses Charlie!


The St. Louis Chapter of Planned Parenthood has continued its long-time practice of supporting Charlie A. Dooley by once again endorsing his re-election as County Executive.

Unlike his opponent, a self-described “pro-life conservative” who has historically opposed a woman's right to choose and has campaigned against the very issues that Planned Parenthood stands for, Charlie Dooley has a history of standing up for a woman’s right to make her own decisions about her body.

Stenger Campaign mailer.
For more information, click here.


Charlie is proud to be endorsed by Planned Parenthood.  The organization has done important work in St. Louis and its endorsement explicitly recognizes Charlie's long-standing support for the organization's goals. 

Charlie Dooley shares our Democratic values and he has championed issues important to women throughout his tenure, such as providing county-funded health clinics that improve women’s access to life saving cancer screenings.  He has expanded access to mammograms and he is currently working hard to combat sex trafficking in the St. Louis region.

Charlie has spent his lifetime in service to his county, community, and country.


Let’s keep the County moving forward with

Charlie Dooley!


Vote Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Follow us on Twitter @TeamDooley2014!


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Paid for by: Dooley for St. Louis County, John J. Temporiti, Treasurer


Dooley for St. Louis County
PO Box 16648
Saint Louis MO 63105 United States