Wednesday 19 March 2014

Charlie Dooley Releases Tax Returns, Calls on Challengers to Follow Suit!

Dooley Releases Decade of Tax Returns, Calls on Steve Stenger to Follow Suit

  • Transparency and ethics are key issues; Steve Stenger should let voters vet his financial history
  • Challenge to Steve Stenger to release full returns for years 2003-2013
  • Questions remain about Stenger’s personal net worth


St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley released a decade of tax returns during an interview on St. Louis Public Radio’s Politically Speaking podcast this week.   Dooley released returns for the years 2003, when he became County Executive following the death of Buzz Westfall, until 2012.  Dooley also plans to release his 2013 taxes after they are filed.

“Charlie Dooley has no problem revealing his personal financial information to the citizens of St. Louis County”, said campaign spokesperson Linda Goldstein.  “Personal and professional transparency is something people can count on with Charlie Dooley.  He is an open book when it comes to his personal finances, and voters know that they can trust Charlie Dooley.  As County Executive he has operated with the same level of honesty, integrity and openness as he has demonstrated in his personal life.  We challenge Steve Stenger to be as forthcoming.”

Dooley’s tax returns reveal that he’s not a man of large personal wealth or investments.  Like most people in St. Louis County, his family’s income has come from salaries and pensions, not from interest on savings or stock dividends.  Charlie Dooley does not benefit from special tax breaks or shelters.  For most of the last 10 years, his federal tax rate, after deductions, has been around 17 percent.  Dooley’s returns also reveal annual charitable contributions averaging around $15,000.

Click here for the full article from St. Louis Public Radio.


Charlie has spent his lifetime in service to his county, community, and country.

Let’s keep the County moving forward with Charlie Dooley!

Vote Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Charlie Dooley

St. Louis County Executive


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Paid for by: Dooley for St. Louis County, John J. Temporiti, Treasurer



Dooley for St. Louis County
PO Box 16648
Saint Louis MO 63105 United States

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